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List of Common vocabulary Opposites words- Antonyms/Opposites word



Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. In this series of articles, you will learn antonyms for commonly used words. Each article consists of a list of  words. Each word is accompanied by one to two words antonyms. The lists are arranged in the alphabetical order of words.

 Antonyms Vocabulary Word List - Common Opposites



absent – present

Able -  Unable

abundant - scarce

accept - decline, refuse

accurate – inaccurate

Active – Inactive, passive

admit - deny

advantage - disadvantage

against - for

agree - disagree

alive - dead

all - none, nothing

ally - enemy

always - never

ancient - modern

answer - question

antonym - synonym

apart - together

appear - disappear, vanish

approve - disapprove

arrive - depart

artificial - natural

ascend - descend

attic - cellar

attractive - repulsive

awake - asleep


backward - forward

bad - good

beautiful - ugly

before - after

begin - end

below - above

bent - straight

best - worst

better - worse, worst

big - little, small

bitter - sweet

black - white

blame - praise

bless - curse

bold - meek, timid

borrow - lend

bottom - top

bound - unbound, free

boundless - limited

boy - girl

brave - cowardly

bright - dim, dull

brighten - fade

broad - narrow

build - destroy


calm - windy, troubled

can - cannot, can't

capable - incapable

captive - free

careful - careless

cheap - expensive

cheerful - sad, discouraged, dreary

clear - cloudy, opaque

Clean – dirty

clever - stupid

clockwise - counterclockwise

close - far, distant

closed - ajar, open

clumsy - graceful

cold - hot

combine - separate

come - go

comfort - discomfort

common - rare

compulsory – vvoluntary

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conceal - reveal

contract - expand

cool - warm

correct - incorrect, wrong

courage - cowardice

courteous - discourteous, rude

create - destroy

crooked - straight

cruel - kind


dangerous - safe

dark - light

day - night

daytime - nighttime

dead - alive

decline - accept, increase

decrease - increase

deep - shallow

definite - indefinite

demand - supply

despair – hope

Difficult  - easy

dim - bright

disappear - appear

discourage - encourage

diseased - healthy

down - up

downwards - upwards

dreary - cheerful

dry - moist, wet

dull - bright, shiny

dusk - dawn


early - late

east - west

easy - hard, difficult

empty - full

encourage - discourage

end - begin, start

enter – exit

Equal  - Unequal

even - odd

expand - contract

export - import

exterior - interior

external - internal


fade - brighten

fail - succeed

false - true

famous - unknown

far - near

fast - slow

fat – thin

Fact – fiction

feeble - strong, powerful

few - many

find - lose

first - last

float - sink

fold - unfold

foolish - wise

for - against

fore - aft

forget – remember

Fortune – misfortune

fortunate - unfortunate

found - lost

free - bound, captive

frequent - seldom

fresh - stale

friend - enemy

full - empty


generous - stingy

gentle - rough

get - give

giant - tiny, small, dwarf

girl - boy

give - receive, take

glad - sad, sorry

gloomy – cheerful

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go - stop

good - bad, evil

grant - refuse

great - tiny, small, unimportant

Green – ripe

grow - shrink

guest - host

guilty - innocent


happy - sad

hard - easy

hard - soft

harmful - harmless

harsh - mild

hate - love

haves - have-nots

healthy - diseased, ill, sick

heaven - hell

heavy - light

help - hinder

here - there

hero - coward

high - low

hill - valley

hinder - help

honest - dishonest

horizontal - vertical

hot - cold

humble – proud

Husband – Wife


ill - healthy, well

immense - tiny, small

Import – export

important - trivial

in - out

include - exclude

increase - decrease

inferior - superior

inhale - exhale

inner - outer

inside - outside

intelligent - stupid, unintelligent

intentional - accidental

interesting - boring

interesting - dull, uninteresting

interior - exterior

internal - external


Joy – sorrow

join - separate

junior - senior

just - unjust

justice – injustice-

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King  - subject

Kind – unkind, cruel

knowledge - ignorance

known - unknown


landlord - tenant

large - small

last - first

laugh - cry

lawful - unlawful, illegal

lazy - industrious

leader - follower

left - right

lend -borrow

lengthen - shorten

lenient - strict

less - more

light - dark, heavy

Life  - death

like - dislike, hate

likely - unlikely

limited - boundless

little - big

long - short

loose - tight

lose - find

loss – win, gain

loud - quiet

love - hate

low - high

loyal - disloyal


mad - happy, sane

major – minor

Make  - break

Man – woman

many - few

mature – immature

Masculine  - feminine

maximum - minimum

melt - freeze

merry - sad

messy - neat

minor - major

minority - majority

miser - spendthrift

misunderstand – understand

Modern  - ancient,  old

more – less

Mortal  - immortal

Much  - less, little

N        Read Also:- Antonyms in Assamese 

nadir - zenith

narrow - wide

near - far, distant

neat - messy, untidy

never - always

new - old

night - day

nighttime - daytime

no – yes

Noble  - innoble

noisy - quiet

none – some

Normal – abnormal

north - south


obedient - disobedient

odd - even

offer - refuse

old - new

old - young

on - off

open - closed, shut

opposite- same, similar

optimist – pessimist

Optional  - compulsory

Oral  - written

Order  - disorder

out - in

outer - inner

over - under


past - present

patient - impatient

peace - war

permanent – temporary

pleasure – Pain

plentiful - scarce

plural - singular

poetry - prose

polite - rude, impolite

possible – impossible

poor  - rich

poverty - wealth, riches

powerful - weak

pretty - ugly

private – public

profit  - loss

prudent - imprudent

pure - impure, contaminated

push - pull


qualified – unqualified

quick  - slow

question - answer

quiet - loud, noisy


raise - lower

rapid – slow

Ripe – green

rare - common

real - fake

regular – irregular

Reward  - punishment

rich - poor

right - left, wrong

right-side-up - upside-down

Rise  - fall

rough - smooth

rude - courteous


safe - unsafe

same - opposite

satisfactory - unsatisfactory

scatter - collect

second-hand - new

secure - insecure

separate - join, together

serious - trivial

shallow - deep

shrink - grow

sick - healthy, ill

simple - complex, hard

singular – plural

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Sink - float

slim - fat, thick

Smile  - weep

slow - fast

sober - drunk

soft - hard

some - none

sorrow - joy

sour - sweet

sow -reap

start - finish

stop - go

straight – crooked

Strange  - familiar

strict - lenient

strong - weak

success - failure

sunny - cloudy

sweet - sour

synonym - antonym


take - give

tall - short

tame - wild

them - us

there - here

thick - thin

tight - loose, slack

tiny - big, huge

together - apart

top - bottom

tough - easy, tender

transparent - opaque

true - false

truth - falsehood, lie, untruth


under - over

unfold – fold

unite  - divide

Unity – diversity

unknown - known

unqualified - qualified

unsafe - safe

up – down

upper  - lower

upside-down - right-side-up

upstairs – downstairs

Urban  - rural

us - them

useful - useless


vacant - occupied

vanish - appear

vast - tiny

victory - defeat

virtue - vice

visible - invisible

voluntary - compulsory


Wake  - sleep

war – peace

Warm – cool

wax - wane

weak – strong

weal – owe

wet - dry

white - black

wide - narrow

win - lose

wisdom - folly, stupidity

within - outside

wrong - right


yes - no

yin - yang

young - old


zenith - nadir

zip - unzip



  1. Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or opposite, meanings. Like so much of the English language, the word antonym is rooted in the Greek language. The Greek word anti means "opposite," while only means "name." Opposite name — that makes sense! Use examples of antonyms to help you choose the most appropriate word every time. The tips you have told are very helpful and can help students to learn English a lot. Many students master the fine points of English grammar but find themselves at a loss when it comes to actually having a conversation with native speakers. In reality, the only way to develop fluency in speaking is by huge amounts of listening, and then practicing. First of all, it’s important to find native speakers to practice with. Thanks for this beneficial article.


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