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ASSAM: HSLC EXAMINATION PROGRAMME :2021 SEBA releases Routine /programme of HSLC/AHM examination



SEBA releases Routine /programme of HSLC/AHM examination ,2021


Assam Board SEBA  HSLC/AHM EXAMINATION Programme: 2021

ASSAM HSLC/AHM Programme has been released. Candidates can check  on the official site of SEBA on

SEBA stands for Secondary Education Board of Assam. SEBA is a state secondary educational board of Assam. Assam every year conducts an HSLC examination for those students who are studying under it. Also, this year SEBA is going to conduct HSLC/ AHM examination 2021 for class 10th students. Students who were successfully filled online application form for HSLC Examination 2021 will able to sit for the examination. High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC)/Assam High Madrassa (AHM) Examination 2021 will be held from May 11-June 1, 2021.

The examination will be held from 9 am-12 noon in the morning and 1:30 pm-4:30 pm in the afternoon.

The practical exams would be conducted on March 4 and 5, 2021. The practical exams would begin at 9 am and would end at 11 am in the examination center from where the candidates appear in theory subjects for the same.



 Covid-19 safety protocols, Rs 25 per candidate has been sanctioned by Seba for all examinees this time, in addition to the centre fee of Rs 300, to be borne by the state government for BPL candidates. The total exam centres this year have gone up to 878 from last year's 860.


 The Class 12 of Higher Secondary exams would begin from May 12, 2021. Results for Assam Board Exams 2021 for HSLC and HS examinations would be declared between July 7 and 30.


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