What is an Abbreviation?
Both in formal and informal speech, we don’t always write the whole word or phrase and use a shortened form instead. For example, it’s common to come across an “etc.” or “i.e.” in an essay and an “OMG” or “FYI” in a text message you receive from a friend. All of these are abbreviations.
Why Do We Use Abbreviations?
The reason why abbreviations have been popular hundreds of years ago and why they still remain so today is that they help us save space and time. Obviously, it takes a lot less effort to write SARS than it would if you were to write “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome”, the whole phrase that it stands for. In addition, in the modern world, there sometimes is the need to fit as much information as possible into one message while having a limited amount of characters. For instance, Twitter doesn’t allow tweets to be longer than 280 characters. It’s natural to shorten all the words that can be shortened, to make sure that everything you want to say fits into a single tweet.
Abbreviations can take various forms, and there isn’t a rule that would strictly define how words can or can’t be shortened. One option is representing the word by its first letter or by the first few letters, e.g. v. for verb and Co. for company. Some abbreviations take the most important letters of the word, such as Ltd. that stands for limited, or Revd that stands for Reverend. A single word can also be shortened by taking only the first and the last letter, e.g. Dr. for Doctor, Rd. for road. It’s also common that first letters of the words in a phrase are used instead of a whole phrase.
Often quite a few questions arise when it comes to abbreviations. Do I use a full stop after the shortened version of the word? Do I use lowercase or uppercase letters? What do I do if I need a plural form? These are just some of those questions. However, just as it is with the majority of English grammar, practice makes perfect. If you keep using abbreviations in your writing, you soon will have no problems with them.
List of different types of abbreviations with meaning in English.
---- A ---
- · ABC = American broadcast Company ;
- ·
a/c = air conditioning ;
- ·
A/C = Account ;
- ·
AC = Alternating
Current ;
- ·
ACS = Assam
Civil Service ;
- ·
AD = Anno Domini (Latin) (In the year of the Lord);
- ·
AHSEC = Assam Higher Secondary Education Council
- ·
AICC = All India Congress
- ·
AIDC = Assam Industrial Development Corporation;
- ·
AIR = All
India Radio ;
- ·
India Trade Union Congress ;
- ·
A.M/a.m = Ante meridiem (before
noon/ midday) ;
- ·
AMC = Assam Medical College;
- ·
APCC = Assam Pradesh Congress Committee ;
- ·
APSC = Assam Public Service
Commission ;
- ·
ASIDC = Assam Small Industries
Development Corporation;
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---- B---
. BA = Bachelor of Arts ;
- BARC = Bhabha Atomic Research Centre;
- BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation ;
- BC = Before Christ;
- BHEL = Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited;
- BJP = Bhatia Janata Party;
- BRPL = Bangaigaon Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited;
- Bsc = Bachelor of science ;
- B Tech = Bachelor of Technology;
---- C ---
CBI = Central Bureau of
Investigation ;
CBSE = Central Board of
Secondary Education ;
CIA = Central Intelligence
Agency ;
CISCE = Council for Indian School Certificate Examination;
C/o = Care of;
CCTV = closed-circuit television;
CID = Criminal investigation department;
CNN = cable news network ;
COD = Cash/Collection of
DC = Deputy
Commissioner/Direct current;
DDT = Dichloro-diphenyl
Trichloroethane ;
DIET = District Institute of
Education and Training;
D.Litt/Dlitt/D.litt/Dlit = Doctor
of Literature;
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DSc/D.Sc. = Doctor of Science;
DU = Dibrugarh University,
D U = Delhi
E.G = Exempli gratia =for example;
Etc. = Et cetera ;
----- F------
FAO = Food and
Agriculture Organisation;
FCI = Food
Corporation of India
FIFA = Federation International
de Football Association;
FAQ = Frequently
Asked Question;
----- G------
GATT = General
Agreement of Tariffs and Trade ;
GK = General
GMT = Greenwich Mean Time ;
GMCH = Gauhati Medical College and Hospital;
GNP = Gross National
Product ;
GU = Gauhati University;
----- H------
HPC = Hindustan Paper
Corporation ;
HQ = Headquarters ;
HUDCO = Housing and Urban Development Corporation;
IAS = Indian
Administrative Service ;
ICAR = Indian
Certificate of Agricultural Reaseach;
ICBM = Inter-continental Ballistic Missile ;
ICC = International Cricket Council ;
ICSE = Indian Council
of Secondary Education;
IDBI = Industrial Development Bank of India;
i.e. = id est (that
IFS = Indian Foreign Service/ Indian Forest Service;
IGNOU = Indira Gandhi National Open University ;
IIT = Indian
Institute of Technology;
IIM = Indian Institute of Management ;
ILO = International Labour Organisation ;
IMF = International
Monetary Fund ;
IOA = Indian Olympic Association;
IPC = Indian Oil
IPS = Indian police
IOC = Indian Penal Code ;
IQ = Intelligence Quotient ;
ISI = Indian
Standard Institute;
IST = Indian Standard Time ;
IT = Information Technology;
ISCE = Indian School Certificate Examination ;
----- J------
JNU = Jawaharlal
Nehru University ;
----- K------
KKHSOU = Krishna Kanta Handiqui
State Open University ;
KVS = Kendriya Vidyalay
Sangathan ;
----- L------
Lbw = leg before wicket ;
LLB/LL.B. = Bachelor of Law ;
LLM/LL.M = Master of Law ;
LLD/LL.D = Doctor of Law;
LSD/lsd = Pounds Shillings Pence
LPG = Liquefied petroleum
gas ;
----- M------
MBBS = Bachelor of Medicine/
Bachelor of Surgery ;
MCC = Marylebone
Cricket Club ;
MD = Doctor of Medicine;
MISA = Maintenance of Internal Security Act ;
MIT = Massachusettes Institute of Technology ;
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MS = Master of Surgery;
MLA = Member of Legislative
MNC = Multinational Company ;
MP- = Member of Parliament ;
Mr = Mister;
Mrs = Mistress ;
Ms = (blending of Miss and
Mrs- Pronunciation/miz/)
M Tech = Master of Technology;
---- N------
NATO = North Atlantic Tready
Organisation ;
NB = Nota bene (take special
note of) ;
NCERT = National Council of Educational Research and
NDA = National Defence Academy ;
NEC = North Eastern Council ;
NEHU = North Eastern Hill
NEEPCO = North East Electric
Power Corporation;
NEITCO = North Eastern Industrial and Technical
Consultancy Organisation ;
NHPC = National Hydroelectric Power Corporation ;
NHRC = National Human Rights
Commission ;
NIT = National
Institute of Technology ;
NRHM = National Rural Health Mission ;
NRI = Non-resident
Indian ;
NTPC = National Thermal Power Corporation;
----- O------
OED = Oxford
English Dictionary;
India Government Service;
ONGC = Oil and Natural gas Commission ;
OPEC = Organisation
of Petroleum Exponting Countries
----- P------
PhD/Ph. D. = Doctor
of Philosophy ;
PIL = Public Interest Litigation;
PM = Prime
P.M./p.m. = Post meridiem; (afternoon / After midday );
PMO = Prime Minister's Office
POW = Prisoner of War ,
PRÒ = Public Relations
Officer ;
PSU = Public Sector
Undertaking ;
PTI = Press Trust of
India ;
PTO = Please Turn Over ;
----- R-----
RBI = Reserve Bank of
RCC = Reinforced Cement Concrete ;
R&D = Research and
RMSA = Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan ;
----- S------
SBI = State Bank of India ;
SCERT = State Council of
Educational Researth and Training ;
SEBA = Board of Secondary Education ,Assam;
SP = Superintendent of Police;
SSA = Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ;
St. = Saint, Street ;
----- T------
TB = Tuberculosis ;
TV = Television ;
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----- U------
UFO = Unidentified
Flying Object ;
UGC = University Grants
Commission ;
UNESCO = United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation ;
UNI = United News of India ;
UNO = United
Nations Organisation
UNICEF = United
Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund ;
USA = United States of America ;
UPSC = Union Public Service Commission ;
VAT = Value added tax ;
VIP = Very Important Person ;
VPP = Value Payable Post ;
----- W------
WHO = World
Health Organisation;
WTO = World
Trade Organisation ;
WWW = World Wide Web;
----- X------
Xmas = Christmas ;
----- Y------
YMCA = Young Men's Christian Association;
YWCA = Young Women's Christian Association ;