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Tenses Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) & Answers | English Grammar Tenses MCQs



Tenses Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) & Answers | English Grammar Tenses MCQs 

English Grammar Tenses With Answers . MCQs Questions for class 8, 9,10 SEBA & CBSC 

Choose the correct option-

1. Which of these is used to express habitual actions?

ANSWER= (B) Simple present tense


2. Do you know, I ___________ asked by them to be honest?

ANSWER= (A) am


3. To which of the tenses does the statement belong? I shall be meeting Neha in the market.

ANSWER= (B) Future continuous tense


4. My friends _____ the prime minister Yesterday. (See)



5. The Earth ______ round the sun(move) (See)

ANSWER= (B) moves


6. To which of the tenses does the statement belong ? They are playing in the field.

ANSWER= (B) present continuous tense


7. He is ______ a novel now a days.(write)

ANSWER= (B) writing


8. The lamp has______ out.(go)

ANSWER= (A) gone


9.Which tense does this statement belong to? I had been working for a long time.

ANSWER= (A) past perfect continuous tense


Read Also:HSLC |SEBA| Science Lesson-6 Life Process Most Important MCQs with Answers

10. Pt.Nehru _____ born on 14th November.

ANSWER= (C) was


11. To which of the tenses does the statement belong? The teacher will teach the lesson.

ANSWER= (C) simple future tense

 Ans:- (C) simple future tense

12. My brother______ the B.A. examination this year.(pass)

ANSWER= (B) has passed


13. You had______ well.(play)

ANSWER= (C) played


14. I _____ my work before he came.(finish)

ANSWER= (D) Had finished


15. Fill in the blank with past perfect tense: I met Ruchi in Nagpur yesterday. I ______ her a week before.

ANSWER= (B) had seen

 Read Also:-A Big List of verbs. what is verb?

16. A journalist ______ to interview you later today.

ANSWER= (D) will be coming


17. Which tense does this statement belong to? She was singing a song.

ANSWER= (A) past continuous tense


18. I always _____ the truth. ( speak)

ANSWER= (D) speak


19. We were _____ a book.(read)

ANSWER= (B) reading


20. He will be ____ his homework (do)

ANSWER= (B) doing


21. Which tense does this statement belong to? We have been living at Tezpur for ten years.

ANSWER= (B) present perfect continuous tense


22. There ___________ lots of hidden feelings and emotions behind every faces.

ANSWER= (C) are


23. We were______ loudly. (Talk)

ANSWER= (B) talking


24. He ______ Tea now (take)

ANSWER= (A) is taking

 Do you know :-List of Common vocabulary Opposites words- Antonyms/Opposites word

25. Which tense does this statement belong to? We leave for Guwahati by the morning bus.

ANSWER= (C) Simple present tense


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