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Students Can You Answer These Questions | Quiz on Indian Independence Day 2021:From freedom fighters to national flag, how much do you know?





*India is celebrating the glorious 75 years of Independence this year on August 15, 2021. The country will come together to celebrate and commemorate the contributions of valiant freedom fighters and leaders who helped in attaining freedom from oppressive British rule. 

President Ram Nath Kovind  delivered the ceremonial speech on the eve of Independence Day 2021 on Saturday. Wishing people on occasion, President Kovind  expressed his gratitude to the corona warriors and healthcare workers for their efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus. 

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has dampened the plans of public gatherings, however, most of the Independence Day 2021, celebrations will be held online. The Independence Day festivities will be held under the banner Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Prime minister Narendra Modi will also deliver the Independence Day speech from the Red Fort 


*Independence Day is around the corner! The country will be witnessing its 75th Independence Day on August 15. This year, the celebrations in schools and colleges will be virtual to avoid gatherings because of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Educational institutes across the country are putting their best foot forward to organise activities such as Independence Day and Independence Day essay. On this occasion  VIDYA UNNATI ACADEMY brings you an Independence Day quiz 2021 for students. Let's celebrate India's Independence Day by knowing it better. Students Can you answer these Independence Day quiz questions and answers! 


1. Who was the first President of Independent India?

ANSWER= (C) Rajendra Prasad
Explain:- The correct answer is c) Rajendra Prasad


2. What is the theme for Independence Day celebrations 2021?

ANSWER= (C)Nation First, Always First
Explain:-  Nation First, Always First’ will be the theme of India’s Independence Day 2021 celebrations. 


3. When did Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India?

ANSWER= (D) 1498
Explain:-  Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who discovered the sea route to India in 1498. He landed in India at Calicut on 20 May 1498


4. When was Gandhi Irwin Pact signed?

ANSWER= (B) 5 March, 1931
Explain:-  On 5th March 1931, Gandhi Irwin Pact was signed.


5. Who is the author of the National Anthem of India?

ANSWER= (A) Rabindranath Tagore
Explain:- The correct answer is a) Rabindranath Tagore


6. The Moplah Rebellion occurred at which place of India?

ANSWER= (A) Malabar Region
Explain:-The Moplah Rebellion (Māppila Lahaḷa in Malayalam) was a mass uprising in the Malabar region (Kerala) by Mappilas. The rebellion started in mid 1921 in Kerala against the crackdown of the British in Eranad and Valluvanad taluks of Malabar.


7. What does the three colours of national flag represent?

ANSWER= (D) Sacrifice, Peace and Prosperity
Explain:-Our national flag consists of stripes of three colours - Saffron, White and Green from top to bottom. These three colours represent - Sacrifice (Saffron), Peace (White) and Prosperity (Green).


8. When Komagata Maru ship returned to India, it was docked at which place?

ANSWER= (A)Budge Budge ghat
Explain:-A japanese ship Komagata Maru was hired to challenge the exclusion laws enacted by Canada and to open the doors of Canada for Indian immigrants. On return to India, the ship was docked at Budge Budge ghat near Calcutta. Britishers tried to arrest Baba Gurdit Singh, fired at the passengers of the ship and 19 Indians were killed in this incident.


9. Who gave the slogan “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it”?

ANSWER= (C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Explain:- The correct answer is c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak


10. Who among the following did not participate in official events of Indian Independence Day 1947?

ANSWER= (C) Mahatma Gandhi
Explain:-  Mahatma Gandhi did not participate in the official event of Indian Independence Day 1947. Instead, he marked the day with 24 hours fast in Calcutta, encouraging peace during riots.

 READ ALSO :-Tenses Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) & Answers | English Grammar Tenses MCQs

11. When was Non-Cooperation Movement started?

ANSWER= (B) 1920
Explain:-  Non-Cooperation Movement was started in 1920.


12. Which of the following is/are true regarding the ratio of the national flag?

ANSWER= (D) Both (a) and (b)
Explain:-  The national flag shall be rectangular in shape. The ratio of the length to the height (width) of the flag shall be 3:2.


13.On Independence Day, the Prime Minister of India hoists our tricolour flag at:

ANSWER= (B) the Red Fort, Old Delhi
Explain:-   India became free from British rule on 15th August 1947 and the first Prime Minister of Independent India, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the Indian National Flag above Lahori Gate of Red Fort in Delhi. From that day Prime Ministers of India hoist our tricolour flag at the Red Fort, Old Delhi.


14.Who will raise the flag during national level Independence day function in 2021 at Red Fort?

ANSWER= (A) Narendra Modi
Explain:- As per custom, Prime Minister of India unfurls the flag during national level Independence day celebrations held at Red Fort. Narendra Modi, who is the current and 15th PM of India, will unfurl the national flag on the occassion of 75th Independennce Day.


15.During which movement Mahatama Gandhi gave the call for 'Do or Die'?

ANSWER= (D) Quit India Movementt
Explain:-Gandhi ji called for 'Do or Die' during his Quit India Speech made on the eve of Quit India Movement in 1942.


16. Which of the following Indian freedom fighters killed a british officer in Britain?

ANSWER= (C) Udham Singh
Explain:Udham Singh, a great Indian revolutionary, assassinated the former british officer Michael O'Dwyer in London. Michael O'Dwyer was the governor of Punjab and was responsible for Jallianwala Bagh .


17.The rebellion of 1857 started from which city?

ANSWER= (D) Meerut
Explain:- The rebellion of 1857 was started on 10 May 1857 from the city of Meerut (U.P.). It started in the form of sepoy mutiny and soon spread in many parts of India. .


18. Who gave the slogan “Give me blood and I shall give you freedom”?

ANSWER= (D) Subhash Chandra Bose
Explain:- The correct answer is d) Subhash Chandra Bose.


19. the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru raised the Indian National Flag on 15 August, 1947 which of the following gates of the Red Fort?

ANSWER= (A) Lahori Gate
Explain:- The first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru raised the Indian National Flag on 15 August, 1947 above the Lahori Gate, Red Fort, Delhi, subsequently the incumbent Prime Minister customarily raises the Indian National Flag above the mentioned gate. .


20. Who among the following played Shehnai at the celebration of Indian Independence Day 1947?

ANSWER= (B) Bismillah Khan
Explain:-  Bismillah Khan played Shehnai at the celebration of Indian Independence Day 1947. He was the first Indian to greet the nation with his musical instrument Shehnai.


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